Green Building Concept

Green Building Concept

                                    The concept refers to a building that is as enviromently friendly as possible in terms of energy,water and all the other resources that are used throughout it”s life cycle .Althogh the concept is constantly evolving there are a few basic principles that the concept is developing around as:
  • Site and Structure Design Efficiency(working with the sun,designing the various places of living after the cardinal points)
  • Energy Efficiency(using the most of the sun as possible,considering the thermal zonning and the stack effect)
  • Water Efficiency(designing a rainwater reutilisation system)
  • Materials Efficiency(using the most of the materials properties and the embodied energy concept of the materials used)
  • Indoor Enviromental QualityEnhancements(using a completely automated system  optimizing the    use of appliances)
  • Operation and Maintanance Optimization
  • Waste and Toxic Reduction .